Ruakura Development Update #4

25 May 2021

Kia ora taatou,

This week we have some visual updates on progress at Ruakura Superhub with new aerial photography taken by a drone on the 14th of May.

The platform for the first 17 hectares of Ruakura Inland Port (Stage 1), takes shape alongside the East Coast Main Trunk (ECMT) Line. Two 800 metre rail sidings will be constructed off the ECMT coming into the inland port.
The 35 hectare Logistics West area takes shape, looking towards the inland port.
New local roading connections start to emerge from the former farmland. Shown is the intersection between Road 3 and Ruakura Road West, which will eventually be a major, signalised road junction.
The 10-hectare wetland area begins to emerge as distinct topographical form. The area will feature extensive native planting, walking tracks and habitat for tuna (eels) and native fauna.


Team planting

On Friday 14 May, members of the TGH team took advantage of pristine weather to plant the first 400, of what will be 1 million native plants incorporated in the 92 hectare stage 1 of Ruakura Superhub.  The pics show planting of Carex flagellifera (brown) and Carex dissita (green) flaxes sourced locally from Waikato-Tainui nurseries.

Getting hands on with the planting
Power planting by ngaa waahine
Nga taane take a breather